Golden Money Plants: Tips to care and decorate the devil's ivy

Updated On: Dec 17, 2024

As for our houses, we try to do everything to make them beautiful and bring maximum positive energy to every corner of the house. We all love greenery and attempt to furnish the open spaces of our front yards and backyards with fresh plants. Plants are valued for the countless benefits they bring to us, as well as the rejuvenating atmosphere they create. The money tree is an indoor and outdoor plant that, according to Vastu and Feng Shui, if placed anywhere, will bring prosperity and wealth to your home. You can easily find it in your home, office, etc. Coffee shop, store, on your balcony or hanging basket, thanks to the locals. Money Tree is also commonly known as Golden Pothos, Devil Ivy, Devil Vine, etc.

Golden money plant benefits

Some of the golden money plant benefits are:

Eliminated stressful relationships

As already mentioned, the money tree is an object that brings peace to the environment. According to Feng Shui, when placed in a particular place, these trees produce positive energy. Their positivity affects everything and everyone around them. They help create an atmosphere of peace, comfort, and understanding, making everyone feel heard and respected. This further opens communication barriers and creates a positive attitude. In this way, broken relationships are restored.

Showers Prosperity AND Good wealth

 The very name of the plant tells you the main benefits of the plant. It brings prosperity and wealth wherever it is. Having a money tree in your home can help you reach great heights in both your personal and professional life. It will also create strong friendships and make them last forever. However, you must ensure that you do not place the money tree in a northeast direction, as it is not considered a good place due to its negative impact.

Clean Air 

Money plants are believed to have the most incredible benefits when grown indoors rather than outdoors. The money tree can be placed in pots, glass jars, even hanging flowerpots. A money tree is ideal. To remove airborne contaminants from the indoor air such as benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. Thus, it acts as a natural air purifier to improve your health and give you the blessing of fresh air and good health. It is beneficial to decorate your home, cafe, and office with many money trees because the benefits that money trees bring you are endless.


You will not know this advantage that the money tree is a heat-resistant plant inside your home and official places that can be emitted from computers, laptops, and mobile phones. This incredible plant will relieve stress at work and shield your eyes from screens. Directly reduce harmful radiation from electronic devices in the home and office environments, thereby protecting family members and employees.

Medicinal Uses

The money tree can be used for many medicinal purposes that few people know about. Feng Shui experts recommend keeping the plant near a Wi-Fi router so that children in the house do not get sick and the elderly do not get heartaches. This will help keep you calm and relieve stress. It can also reduce anxiety and sleep disturbances, leading to a healthier lifestyle. Therefore, place the money tree in your bedroom or living room to avoid mental illness.

Types of golden money plant

This popular house plant can grow in many climates. There are different types of money trees that you can find in India. The following section will discuss the different varieties of the money tree:

Marble Queen Money Plant

Marble Queen Money Plant

The leaves of these money trees are creamy white. These plants are easy to obtain from nurseries near you. Marble Queens needs sunlight to maintain its beautiful colour. Therefore, expose plants to direct sunlight for at least 4-6 hours a day.

Silver Money Plant

Silver Money Plant

Known for its variety and beautiful foliage, silver is also known as satin potholes. These plants look great with shiny silver patterns on green leaves. They grow well in indirect sunlight and are therefore best suited for indoor growing.

Golden Money Plant

Golden Money Plant

This plant is known as golden pothos or devil ivy. The leaves are glossy, with golden or yellow splashes. You can use them to create borders on walls. They also look great in hanging pots in your garden and balcony.

Split leaf Money Plant

Split leaf Money Plant

This is a large-leaved money tree. It is a drought-tolerant, fast-growing plant that can survive even in low light conditions. Its leaves are rather large and have a lobed structure.

Bigleaf Money Plant

Bigleaf Money Plant

These plants have large leaves and thick stems. If you are new to growing large-leaved money trees, this will be the right choice. They are also low maintenance and are in less need of any care.

Golden Money plant propagation

Golden Money plant propagation

The money tree is the easiest plant to propagate and can be made by cuttings. You need to cut the stem, making sure there is at least one root node on each cut, root the water cut, or plant directly into the ground making sure the root node is in the growing environment.

Golden Money plant care

Now let’s learn how to care for the Golden money plant properly

  • Maintain Room Temperature

The first thing to keep in mind is keeping the plant at room temperature, between 15°C and 24°C. This will create optimal conditions for the plant to grow, make it much easier to grow, and make the job easier.

  • Planting and grafting plants

The best way to grow a money tree is to make sure it is firmly attached to the roots, which means that you must first plant it in a smaller pot, so the roots have enough room to move but not stretch too far. Finally, you can transplant it into a larger pot.

  • Golden Pothos Water Requirements

An important point to keep in your brain is to water sparingly. This plant doesn’t need a lot of water to stay healthy. Let the soil dry out between every watering so you can feel the texture. And soon, it will bloom in your garden! Then the water is just enough to keep the plant from getting too wet.

Golden Money plant Vastu

  • Living Room

According to various Vastu experts, the money tree should be placed in the southeast corner of the living room to attract good luck and prosperity. Since the planet Venus and Lord Ganesha rule this direction, they both symbolize wealth and good fortune. The correct placement of a money tree is essential to see its positive impact on your life.

  • Bedroom

It can be placed in the bedroom to the left or right of the bed, but away from footrests and headrests.

  • Directions to avoid

According to Vastu, being on the north or east wall or in the northeast corner is not suitable, as it can lead to loss of money, health problems and conflict. Since Jupiter and Venus rule the northeast, they are incompatible and can lead to losses.

  • In the corners

According to Vastu, sharp corners are a source of anxiety and negativity. To eliminate bad influences, you can put a money tree, reducing stress in the house. 

  • Bathroom

They are effortless to grow and can easily grow in damp corners such as bathrooms. Leaving the money tree in the bathroom won’t do any harm. You can easily take care of it if your bathroom receives a significant amount of direct or indirect sunlight. 

  • Be close to electronic devices and tools

The money tree can absorb radiation so that it can be placed next to TVs, computers, or Wi-Fi routers.

Golden pothos watering methods

  • The only way to tell if your Pothos plant needs water is to test the soil and see if it’s wet. Do this at regular gaps, so you know when to water. Get in the routine of looking at your Pothos tree at least once'every week. Choose one day a week to inspect your plant.
  • Be sure to check soil moisture during these checks. Remember that each plant is different, so you may need to water at different intervals. Water only when the soil is no longer wet. More watering will result in over-watering, which is not suitable for plants. 
  • For watering plants, it is best to use your fingers to check if the soil is dry. It is best to wait for the soil to dry to half the height of the pot, or even a little more. Only then can you safely water the plants.
  • You will know the soil is moist because it will stick to your skin. Wet soil is also usually darker than dry soil. If the pot is too large, take some dirt and tamp it in your hands. If the soil has moisture, it will stick together.
  • For pots 10 inches or larger, it is best to use a soil dipstick to check if the soil is moist enough but note that with these large pots, you should allow the soil to dry out more than in the smaller pots. This is another reason to use a soil probe. 
  • The roots of the Pothos plant need air. Roots are often damp, which deprives the roots of oxygen. Too much water on your Pothos plant can lead to root rot that can kill the plant.
  • This is very dangerous and can kill your Pothos plant in the long run. To avoid this, you must be very careful when watering, and it is essential to prevent over-watering at all costs. 
  • Remember that over-watering is related to the frequency of watering. Not the amount of water used. While using that amount of water isn’t the best option, it won’t kill your plants if you only water them when they need it.

The best soil for pothos cuttings

The best soil for pothos cuttings is a potting mix of half peat and half perlite or sand.

Pothos turning yellow and dying

Although pothos plants require relatively low maintenance costs, they still need water, sunlight and nutrients. Yellow leaves can be an indication that your pothos is under stress, and it’s time to change your grooming routine a little. It would be amazing if you keep it closer to a window, adjust the watering schedule, add some nutrients to the soil, or filter out the water you give it.

Homemade fertilizer for pothos

Some Homemade fertilizer for pothos are:

Coffee grounds

Used coffee grounds contain about 2% nitrogen, about one-third of one per cent phosphoric acid, and varying amounts of potassium (usually less than 1%). Coffee grounds are especially beneficial for plants that prefer more acidic foods, such as blueberries, ivy, azaleas, roses, camellias, avocados, and many fruit trees.

Palm Trees in House – A Decoration Guide


Unflavored gelatin is an amazing source of nitrogen, which keeps the pot plump over time. However, keep in mind that it takes time and reapplication to work wonders.

Epson salts

Mix one tablespoon of Epsom salt with 1 gallon of water and pour it into a spray bottle. Apply directly once a month to foliage to rapidly increase magnesium and sulfur content.

Green Tea

You can use a diluted green tea solution to water your plants every four weeks. Dissolve one tea bag in 2 litres of water.

How to train devil’s ivy to climb

It cannot climb on its own, so use a removable support system to guide the tentacles along a wall or ceiling. Command hooks, metal photo hangers, and ropes will do.

How often to water devil’s ivy?

Maintain moisture but allow potting surfaces or soil to dry out between each watering. Usually for indoor plants, water once a week.

Golden pothos vs marble queen

  • Marble Queen Pothos has marble leaves, while Golden Pothos has gold-spotted leaves.
  • Marble Queen Pothos needs a lot of bright and indirect light for photosynthesis, and Golden Pothos can withstand any lighting conditions.
  • Marble Queen Pothos grows very slowly due to the absence of chlorophyll in its pale leaves. Golden Pothos overgrows up to 30 cm per month under the right conditions.

Epipremnum aureum uses

Epipremnum aureum has antibacterial, antiparasitic and antioxidant properties. And however, in addition to these properties, it can also be anti-malarial, anti-cancer, anti-tuberculosis, anti-inflammatory and healing, etc., which is becoming a severe problem in the world.


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